Sunday, February 16, 2014

Technology in the Hospital: Ch. 1-2

Just the first 2 pages of the book showed so much. Comparing the two cases of broken legs that were about 25 years apart was so interesting to me. The way that laboratory tests had advanced so that they did not just take X-rays, but they took multiple urine and blood analysis and more detailed testing in the later case, was fascinating because nowadays we go through so many different tests when we are in the hospital that it is weird to think about a time where little to no in-depth testing was done. Another thing I like about this book is that they use example of individual patients. This helps in getting really involved in individual processes and understand how tests can be similar and different in case-to-case studies. It also makes the book more interesting since there are many different interesting cases instead of just a dull recap of a bunch of illnesses, such as the patients from war where doctors diagnosed many cases with one or two different diseases instead of doing super thorough testing.

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